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February 25, 2005

Multimedia Performance after Dumb Type


New Movement Emerges

In 90's, Dumb Type established multimedia performance in Japan. Teiji Furuhashi and Dumb Type in early 90's were legend of Japanese Multi Media Performance and Media Art for their works, for example, "S/N"(Dumb Type) and "Lovers"(by Teiji Furuhashi).

In this season, I have a presentiment of stages after Dumb Type. There was a competition called Yokohama Solo X Duo Compe'tion + R at the end of January. This competition has a relation with a French famous competition called "Recontres Choreographique Internationales de Seine-Saint-Dennis." [posted by Yukihiko YOSHIDA]


In this competiton, there are many multimedia Performance and performance with robotics. Thee winner of this competition, Mariko Okamoto, used interesting robotics in her piece. A young Japanese girl sits down on a small refrigerator and moves little by little. Small robotics move beside her on the stage. One of the dancers, such as Mariko Kon'no, whom I introduced in this blog before, danced sharply with video art by Haruo Higuma, who is a well known artist in this

A very successful work is "Alicetopia" by Satoko Yahagi in early February. Yahagi got an idea from a picture book "Alicetopia." Yahagi's dance and choreography are under the influence of Surrealism. The aestheics of Surrealism arranged the visual effect of this work. I have a presentiment of a new movement after Dumb Type after seeing this work.--Yukihiko YOSHIDA

Photo Credits:

French Embassy Prize for Young Choreographers Mariko Okamoto, "sputonik*gilu" Photo:Yoi'chi Tsukada

Satoko Yahagi,"Alicetopia", Photo: Kei Yasuda, Dance Cafe

Posted by jo at February 25, 2005 09:57 AM
