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February 19, 2007



Call for Applicants

Performing Days Istanbul 2007 :: THE LAST SUPPER: ABOVE THE SKIES :: An audiovisual installation by Alexandra Reill, production: kanonmedia/Galata Perform :: 03/03/2007, 22:00.

A Last Supper is taken by the visitors of the Performing Days Istanbul 2007 - a dinner as frugal as feeding as it is with its apple on the plates of a table with thirteen seats. The looping screening of the film Above the Skies creates a stringent sacral character for this multicultural dinner where a chair is missing and where the shades of visitors become part of the scenario.

Traces of Moorish, Jewish and Catholic culture of the Middle Ages form the visual framework for a search on the inner essence and character of human suffering in life, putting the viewer in a trance-like state of slowed down introspection. Opulent Baroque versus Gothic and Muslim transparencies. Empty Jewish quarters maintained like museums for tourists' looks. A Europe place as proof for imperialistic approaches.

What does suffering mean. What does suffering mean in a lifetime. What is the sense of conflict, the sense of separation. Impressions of life, always doubled to keep the option to look through things. A journey from the Earth to the Skies and back, at a table where a chair is missing in the round.

With remixes of Middle Age chorals out of the times of Alfonso X El Sabio (1221-1284), Elisabeth the Catholic (1410-1563), the Nasrid Dynasty (1410-1563) and the Jewish culture.


Posted by jo at February 19, 2007 12:31 PM
