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August 05, 2005

Science and Art Conference


A Collision of Politics, Ethics and imagination

This international Science and Art Conference challenges the serene vision of art and science as a warm, fuzzy continuum and asks instead what really happens when different perspectives, expectations, interests and languages converge. Presented by Arts Council England, Yorkshire in partnership with CNAP, a bioscience research centre at the University of York, it will take place September 5-7, 2005 at University of York.

Art and science each hold the allure of a powerful cultural 'other'. Artists wish to appropriate science, scientists to harness art, for the benefit of their own practices. To what extent can this desire be collaborative or mutually beneficial? [see also Artists on Science: Scientists on Art, Nature, Vol. 434, No. 7031 pp293-324.]

When artists are natural transgressors and scientists trained to be cautious, are there risks as well as benefits? What happens when science is taken out of the lab, away from its safety procedures and cultural assumptions? Do artists have any responsibility towards scientific data, how it is manipulated and presented? In its interplay with science, is art contributing to knowledge, creating meaning or on a quest to change the world?

In this collision of politics, ethics and imagination--spanning ecology, bioscience and deep space--what are the Rules of Engagement?

Speakers and participants include: Andrew Stones; Lloyd Anderson (British Council); Oron Catts (SymbioticA); Nicola Triscott (The Arts Catalyst); David Buckland (Cape Farewell); Lise Autogena; Josh Portway; Brandon Ballengée; Adam Zaretsky; Lucy Kimbell; Simon Gould; Ian Hunter (Littoral); Jo Joelson (London Fieldworks); Darren Wright (Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group); Comma Press; Dianna Bowles (CNAP); Ruth Ben-Tovim; Lizzie Coombes; Andrew Cleaton; Lucy Cullingford; Lizz Tuckerman; Andy Gracie (Hostprods); Andrew Webster (SATSU)

Delegate fees: £165 full, £75 concessions (including refreshments, meals, accommodation and events). Prompt booking is advised.

For further information, please contact Arts Council England, Yorkshire:

Rachel Chapman, Science and Art Coordinator Email: yorkshire.science[at]artscouncil.org.uk

or Chloe Smith, Assistant Officer Tel: +44 (0)1924 486215

Posted by jo at August 5, 2005 10:14 AM
