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June 13, 2005



Invitation to join the Open Community

The story is the richest heritage of human civilisation. One can imagine the first stories being told, several thousand centuries ago, by wise old men huddled around campfires. Since this time, the narrative process has been considerably developed and enriched: sounds and music have been added to complement the speech, while scenery and theatrical sets have been recreated to enhance the story environment. Actors, dancers and technicians have replaced the unique storyteller. The story is no longer the sole preserve of oral narrative but can be realised in book, theatrical, dance or movie form. Even the audience can extend up to several million individuals.

And yet in its many forms the story lies at the heart of one of the world's most important industry.

The advent of the digital era has enhanced and accelerated this evolution: image synthesis, digital special effects, new Human-Computer Interfaces and the Internet allow one to not only realise more sophisticated narrative forms but also to create new concepts as video gaming and virtual interactive environments. The art of storytelling is becoming evermore complex. The Information Society Technologies offers new tools to capture, and to interactively modify the imaginary environment, in ever more intuitive ways, coupled with a maximum sensory feedback thus allowing enhanced and exciting production possibilities for the interactive creation and non-linear manipulation of almost any story form.

INSCAPE aims to enable ordinary people to use and master the latest Information Society Technologies for interactively conceiving, authoring, publishing and experiencing interactive stories whatever their form, be it theatre, movie, cartoon, puppet show, video-games, interactive manuals, training simulators, etc. INSCAPE will generate and develop the knowledge in the emerging domain of Interactive Storytelling by researching, implementing, demonstrating and disseminating a complete suite of innovative concepts, tools and working methods tightly integrated in a homogeneous web-based framework and offering a full chain to people with no particular computer skills, from content acquisition and creation, organising, processing, sharing, and using the way of publishing, from creators to “viewers”.

INSCAPE will also address issues such as the acquisition, the creation, the management and the sharing of interactive stories or their real-time multisensorial rendering combined with natural agent behaviours and multimodal interfaces. It will also provide innovative natural interfaces and devices for intuitively creating or living interactive stories within multidimensional, virtual, augmented and mixed realities.

By addressing this domain, INSCAPE goes beyond “standard” content creation research and technology development projects and will address scientific and industrial simulation, training, education, poetry, art emotions, cultural and human context and diversity.

The specification of the project will be driven by an analysis of the needs of real world users participating in the project as partners or involved in the INSCAPE Open Community. Through the lifetime of the projnd-users, including the Open Community, for purposes of validation on real-cases, demonstration and training. Invitation The Consortium wants to make a leap forward in the technologies which support creative interactive storytelling.

We would like to work with you as potential end-user to be one of the first to learn about the results, use and test the developed technologies at early stages and provide feed-back and input in how to optimize for broad use and roll out.

If you want to be part of the INSCAPE Open community by joining the INSCAPE forum and be one of the first users of the INSCAPE software you can register at www.inscapers.com - under open community.

Open Community Questions: ICNM - International Center for New Media
T: +43.662.630 408 /
F: +43.662.630 408-
office@icnm.net -


Posted by jo at June 13, 2005 09:38 AM
