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June 01, 2005

Gong-tormented Sea


Water, Memory and Death

You are cordaily invited to join us at the opening of Gong-tormented Sea, an interactive video installation/site-specific music theatre performance by Christopher Lau & Kar Fai Samson Young. Gong-tormented Sea draws its inspiration from W.B.Yeat's middle period epic, Byzantium, a collage of classical Greek philosophical references and historical imaginations, conjuring up a tapestry of death and memory, pointing to an golden age of human civilization passed.

Gong is essentially an experimental project that depicts the elements of water, memories and death to express the above sentiment: the paradox of those who exist between the physical world's burden of living memories, and the liberty of a distant realm that is out of mere mortal's reach.

Having worked together since 2003, our interests has been to explore the fusing of traditional art form (namely performing art) with new media art and technology in various forms. The combination of music, moving images, sensor device, interactive programming, and live performances creates infinite possibilities for art expression, yet our focus has been to experiment on the use of these technologies to produce an artwork that is somewhat more poetic and closer to human nature.

Posted by jo at June 1, 2005 08:06 AM
