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December 11, 2006

Turbulence Artists' Studios


Alan Bigelow

Turbulence Artists' Studios: Alan Bigelow :: Using text, photographs, audio, video, and other elements, Alan Bigelow's fictions go beyond simple hypertext; they create visual and audio environments in which stories can unfold. His work is based on three basic premises: 1) the fictions should be multimedia events; 2) they should be easy to navigate; and 3) they should be interactive. In addition to navigating through the stories--and triggering certain Flash events --users can also write into some of these narratives, giving them the opportunity to contribute to the creation and continued growth of the stories.

BIOGRAPHY: Originally a fiction writer in traditional text genres, Alan Bigelow started working in Flash in 2000. With hard copy fiction increasingly difficult to publish, and many writers moving to vanity presses and desktop publishing, it appeared that the Web offered a free market of new genres and, within digital fiction, a relatively undiscovered area of exploration. Bigelow's work, and his conversations concerning interactive fiction, have appeared in Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, DreamingMethods.com, BlazeVox.org, and elsewhere. Recently, he was a visiting online lecturer in Creative Writing and New Media at De Montfort University, UK. He has a Ph.D. from SUNY at Buffalo (USA), and teaches at Medaille College.

Posted by jo at December 11, 2006 10:13 AM
