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February 14, 2007

Furtherfield Blog


Making, Curating, and Translating New Media

The Furtherfield Blog: A shared space for personal reflections on Media Art practice: making it, curating it, translating it.

The Furtherfield blog is a place for Media Arts practitioners to intuitively explore their practice together as it occurs, to develop understanding and to learn, without the pressure to formulate complete arguments or to come up with answers. The blog was set up in Autumn 2006, initially as a place for informal, day to day exchange between members of the Furtherfield.org team, including editor/reviewers. We discovered that this format suits some people more than others and invited a couple more to join. The Furtherfield blog is not intended as a platform to promote particular projects. Instead bloggers explore their own perspectives on their own terms; personal thoughts, emotional responses and critical intentions that are rarely publicly discussed elsewhere in such detail.

Regular Furtherfield bloggers so far, are: - Camille Baker, Ruth Catlow, Aileen Derieg, Marc Garrett, Mark Hancock, Patrick Lichty and Lauren A. Wright.

Posted by jo at February 14, 2007 10:37 AM
