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November 18, 2006

Resistant Maps:


Artistic Actions in the Interconnected Urban Territory

The Leonardi V-Idea Association presents the exhibition-conference: Resistant Maps: Artistic actions in the interconnected urban territory by Alessandro Ludovico, Gianfranco Pangrazio, Tommaso Tozzi, Marco Villani :: November 25-26, 2006 :: Contemporary Art Museum of Villa Croce: Via Jacopo Ruffini 3, Genoa.

The representation of the territory holds a historical role in the privileges of power. The geographical data has always been in its hands. The regaining of this representation goes through the description and sharing (often in personal perspectives too). This is made possible thanks to the collaborative tools and consequent changing of the value of the maps. These maps are not granted anymore by structures of power, but built by individuals who, drawing on the ideas of the psychogeographical movements, repaint the urban space according to fresh new coordinates.

WORKS BY: 01.org Vopos :: Cartografia Resistente Triangolazione :: Les Flottants Lasciare libero il passo :: Giuseppe Chiari Musica veritŕ, Suonare la cittŕ, Che cos’č un happening :: Vincenzo Agnetti Spazio perduto e spazio costruito :: Guy Debord In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni :: Ernesto Fialdini, Matteo Dentoni Debordare.



Nicola Bucci 16.00-16.30
Sandro Ricaldone 16.30-17.00
Tommaso Tozzi 17.00-17.30
Decoder (Raffaele Scelsi) 17.30-18.00

Discussion 18.00-19.00


Alessandro Ludovico 10.00-10.30
Wikiartpedia (Tommaso Tozzi) 10.30-11.00
Cartografia Resistente (Lorenzo Tripodi) 11.00-11.30
Guerrigliamarketing (Andrea Natella) 11.30-12.00

Discussion 12.00-13.00

Lunch break

Vittore Baroni 15.30-16.00
Arturo Di Corinto 16.00-16.30
Franco Berardi “Bifo” 16.30-17.00
Brian Holmes 17.00-17.30
Discussion 17.30-19.00

(Giuseppe Chiari, Gianni Emilio Simonetti and Mirella Bandini have also contributed to the catalogue with their articles).

This exhibition has been organised with the support of the City of Genoa Council, the Head of Culture of the City of Genoa Council, the Contemporary Art Museum of Villa Croce, Association “Amici dei Musei”.

Catalogue printed by: neos.edizioni.

For further information contact Marco Villani (tel. 0039 340.3160660)

Posted by jo at November 18, 2006 11:38 AM
