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September 29, 2006

boycott "festival Émergences" - la Villette /Paris



Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 14:13:54 +0200 (CEST)
From: fougeras nathalie
Subject: [spectre] Appel : boycotte festival "Emergences" la Villette-Paris/Call: boycotts "festival Emergences"

English translation:

Several women wanted to intervene on a mailing list on numerical arts concerning this abuse representation where only men, (with share 2 or 3 collectives but which one does not know if there are women within them) expose in this event that is the Festival "Emergences" which takes place from the 28 to September 30 in the Villette.

This configuration was noticed and a discussion initiated by a woman on this list to question this obvious catch of party of nonrepresentation of the woman. Few men reacted politically and socially by giving an opinion against this failure of the art and in particular of the numerical art of classification per kind. As much to say that silence - and very ambiguous reaction of the other men - completely guarantee this case of figure and classification of art by kind!

Meanwhile, we were sent malls in deprived and parallel to continue the discussion. We received by private malls of the returns of people, for example, in the field of the music who speak about a "configuration" rather close to that to numerical art.

Doesn't art thus put ahead an intelligent thought...? Inevitably do not ask to reason on the social one?! While at the same time it is a question of thinking of it not only "the technological" but "sensitive" medium perhaps too!!

What thus remains "to be applied" by this equality "required" (for example by the completely applicable quotas and with completely serious files artistic) in order to re-examine "quality" and the "nature" of the works presented and exposed on the public place for more otherness "between us".

Because for the moment we rather see a manner of avoiding "carefully" the mixture, the "not-co-education" which becomes an increasing fear on the public place and in this field (it can be connected with the fear of being mixed to its neighbor, with the immigrant, etc.)

We thus boycott this festival "Emergences" since the women are not represented there and that the indifference reigns in full day.

Posted by jo at September 29, 2006 12:51 PM
