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September 12, 2006

Vholoce: Weather Visualiser


Seeking a Collaborator

Vholoce: Weather Visualiser :: A net artwork merging meteorological science, and digital artwork. Vholoce*: Weather Visualiser uses real-time weather data to create a series of visualizations intended to both artistically interpret weather conditions, and create new methods of understanding weather data. Working with talented programmer Rory Hering, Griffith University lecturer Jason Nelson created the weather visualiser as a prelude to future data visualization projects. Specifically, Jason and Rory are seeking interested parties to collaborate in developing a visualiser for Australian water data.

The weather visualiser lets the user choose cities from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Those city’s current weather conditions (numbers representing temperature, humidity, pressure, wind, weather description) are then loaded into five different visualizations: Prose:Poetics, Animated, Molecular, Abstract:Noir, and Video.

*Vholoce is the Native American Creek tribe word for “cloudy”. [via Rhizome Raw]

Posted by jo at September 12, 2006 02:59 PM
