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April 24, 2006



Gourmet programming

'Barszcz' [often written 'Borscht'] is a traditional Eastern and Central European soup of red beetroot that comes in many regional and seasonal varieties. The 'Barszcz.net' website presents a recipe for Ukrainian Barszcz and a first contribution to its source code repository: Jaromil's 'string based cooking' written in the programming language C.

Barszcz.net stresses the parallel between programming and recipes in a cookbook as a set of instructions to follow. Like cooking recipes, examining the source code of a particular program reveals information about the software in much the same way as the ingredients and set of instructions of a recipe reveals information about the dish to be prepared. The analogy reveals something of the interests involved in the preparation, execution and consumption of the (software) work. Both programming and cooking can express intentionality, style and should be accompanied with a health warning. All source code/recipes submitted to the repository are released under the GNU General Public License.

Barszcz.net is looking for further entries to add to the repository in a range of programming languages. If you have any barszcz source code that you would like to share, please email 'info at barszcz.net' (replace word for symbol before sending).

Barszcz source code repository http://www.barszcz.net

Posted by luis at April 24, 2006 04:26 AM
