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March 18, 2006

taxi_onomy at Dorkfest 2006


Mobile Cartographic Research Endeavour

On Sunday 19th March from 2-5 pm taxi_onomy will host an informal session concurring with Dorkfest 2006 in which participants will be able to user test its prototype software and city editor. The taxi_onomy cab will be stationed outside limehouse town and available for tagging sessions in and around the local area. Interested parties may show up on the day, or email bea[at]taxionomy.net to book a 20 minute slot in advance.

About taxi_onomy: An art-architecture collaboration, taxi_onomy is a live art project and mobile cartographic research endeavour that re-appropriates the taxi cab as the ultimate vehicle for psycho-geography, based on its capacity for metro processing and spatial understanding. taxi_onomy utilizes the taxi for the purpose of enabling artists and the general public to create and utilise emotional, cognitive and networked maps. Inherently concerned with facilitating authorship, it functions as a live and cumulative archiving device that enables the public to log, classify and order their environment, creating their own mental maps and topographies and overlaying them onto physical space.

Part locative dictionary, part annotation tool, taxi_onomy offers a radical and high quality art tool for the general public to both engage and create with. Devised as a socially interventive navigation device for a networked society, the project engages with people directly in relation to reconsidering their use, appropriation of, and relationship to space.

taxi_onomy is Celine Condorelli and Beatrice Gibson. taxionomy has been supported by Arts Council England, the British Council and V2 Lab Rotterdam

Posted by jo at March 18, 2006 11:44 AM
