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December 02, 2005

Vodafone’s Receiver, Issue 14


Dynamically Connected: So What?

Mobile services are constantly breaching new boundaries, and will have an enormous impact on the logistics of life – both in terms of productivity and social networking. But the one most important basic feature will always be the ability to dynamically connect everybody with everybody else. So the question is: What do we want to bring together, exchange or take with us, and how can we do this when we're out in the field? This time around, Receiver levels a look at applicability issues – how can we work, learn, cooperate and know better using mobiles?--Articles:

Mark Pesce:
Understanding networks- using devices kids love for their education
; Jonathan Donner: User-led innovations in mobile use in sub-saharan Africa; Marc Prensky: Mobile phone imaginationon

James Katz: The future of a futuristic device; Mark Lowenstein: The next generation of usability - re-thinking the mobile device; Nathan Eagle and Alex (Sandy) Pentland: Organizational rhythms - the search for the patterns of the aggregate; Lars Erik Holmquist: The mobile user experience - how boundaries between devices are starting to disappear ; Sara Price and Yvonne Rogers: Designing new learning experiences with pervasive technologies; Jeff Pierce: Serendipitous sharing through personal information environments

Posted by jo at December 2, 2005 05:25 PM
