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November 23, 2005

SOUNDplay Festival & AGM06


International Call for submissions

New Adventures in Sound Art and AGM 06 is currently accepting submissions for inclusion in both the 2006 SOUNDplay festival and AGM 06 (October 2006) that will feature video/sound art works that place equal artistic importance on image and sound and emphasizes non-narrative elements and abstraction. Both emerging and established artists will be featured in the festivals. We encourage artists to submit works that are less than 20 minutes in length.

SOUNDplay, produced by New Adventures in Sound Art, is a meeting point for experimentation in new media and sound art, encouraging new fusions of image, sound & text. New Adventures in Sound Art is a non-profit organization that produces performances and installations spanning the entire spectrum of electroacoustic and experimental sound art. Included in its Toronto productions are: Deep Wireless, Sound Travels, Sign Waves and SOUNDplay.


AGM, based in Copenhagen, builds annual artistic collaborations and develops new connections among participating artists and audiences around Europe and other parts of the world. AGM 06 will feature Canadian new media works and screenings among a selection of international works for the 2006 event in Berlin and Copenhagen.

Please submit the following for consideration:

- VHS or DVD copy of the work
- a description or program note of the work
- biographies of the principle creators of the work.

Deadline: Received by December 16, 2005 at 5pm EST.

Note: we will request permission from the artist before any works are screened and at that time will request a screening master of the work. Unless otherwise requested, NAISA would like to retain copies sent for consideration in future festivals.

Please send submissions to:

New Adventures in Sound Art
401 Richmond Street West #358
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3A8
phone: (416) 910-7231
e-mail: naisa[at]soundtravels.ca

ORF Kunstradio
Argentinierstrasse 30a
A-1040 Wien

Posted by jo at November 23, 2005 10:12 AM
