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July 11, 2005

Touching of the Touch


Screens, Streaming, Viruses, and Performance

"The notion that is often inextricably linked to the concept of performance is one of extension: one thinks of the performing body as extended by certain technologies, and these technologies can vary widely in their nature...The body—in Stenslie’s project the body’s erogenous zones in particular—becomes extended, since the touching of one’s own suit allows for a tactile communication with another user who is wearing a similar technology. One may also conceive of the performing body as extended by a musical instrument; this is seen as a kind of transferring of the body onto the instrument, with which one communicates to the world: a voicing of one’s body; a body drawn out of itself..." From The Touching of the Touch—Performance as Itching and Scratching a Quasi-Incestuous Object by Franziska Schroeder, Extensions, Mediated Bodies: Locating Corporeality in a Pixelated World.

Also: The Intensity of Dance: Body, Movement and Sensation across the Screen by Stamatia Portanova; The Virtual Artaud: Computer Virus as Performance Art by Jason Farman; and Streaming the Performer’s Body: An Interview with Downstream by Jason Farman.

Posted by jo at July 11, 2005 11:16 AM
