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May 16, 2005



Talk Back

RadioActive--by Aaron Zinman and Judith Donath--is a forum for large-scale mobile-based asynchronous audio discussions. It allows participants to engage in persistent discussions on a number of different topics, similar to usenet. Users may moderate posts, allowing the dynamics of the chat space to change over time. Navigation through the threads is made possible by both audio and visual interfaces that are optimized for the device. In addition to arbitrary topics, users may also engage in discussion surrounding time-shifted media clips. This is a reaction to the phenomena of TiVO and podcasting, all which allow users to access their media in a personalized fashion but completely passively. RadioActive gives audiences a chance to talk back, contrasting the typical unidirectional model of broadcasting. [PDF] [via]

Posted by jo at May 16, 2005 08:36 AM
