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April 08, 2005



Dance and Deep Hypertext

Some Hypertext researchers pointed out the relationship between Hypertext and Dance, these years. Australian Hypertext researcher, Katherine Palps, invented the concept, Storytronics. This concept means that Hypertext and structure of myth. Like semiology by Vladimir Propp, Palps constructed the simple structure of myth and accommodated that to universe of Hypertext. With her experience of teaching in her class at Melbourne University, she found student who learn dance or architect can understand this concept easily because of dancer's three-dimensional cognition. Palps pointed out that dancers are easy to understand multi-dimensional Hypertext.

(Palps invented the concept "Ping Body" for Australian media performance artist STELARC. This concept is known as the title of his work in 1996. Her husband Andrew Pam is working as a chief programmer of Project Xanadu, the original Hypertext project by Ted Nelson.) Some important suggestions are came from engineers. A hypertext research group works with a dance researcher Janet Lansdale. (Miles-Board, Timothy and Deveril, and Hall, Wendy and Lansdale, Janet (2003) Decentering the Dancing Text: From Dance Intertext to Hypertext.)--by Yukihiko YOSHIDA

Posted by jo at April 8, 2005 09:26 AM
