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April 03, 2005

Games and Education

Technology and Games at the AERA Conference

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference will take place in Montréal from April 11-15. Three symposiums will be dealing directly with issues on Games and Education:
- Games and Learning: Theory, New Technology, and Assessment
- Video Games and Digital Literacies
- Advanced Technology for Learning in School, Games, and Informal Settings.
Professors and scholars such as Kurt Squire, Katie Salen, and James Paul Gee will be presenting. For the symposium online program, go to the AERA website..

Here's the abstract of Games and Learning:"The shift toward situating learning and assessment in real-life situations has prompted the investigation of the potential of games in education. By bringing together scholars and game developers from backgrounds as distinct as education, design, and communication, this symposium will promote an interdisciplinary discussion on how games and simulations might be used to improve learning and assessment. In this symposium, presenters address games in the context of three interrelated issues: the role of games within the educational movement to provide more relevant experiences for students, the ways games can be used to promote learning and to assess knowledge, and finally, the implications of understanding the social aspects of games on game design."

Posted by at April 3, 2005 11:36 PM
