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November 10, 2004



Personal Traces on Urban Spaces

tejp "explores various possibilities for overlaying personal traces and information on public spaces through different mediums and behavior patterns. it is our hope that {tejp} will transform spectators into players and encourage playful ways to personalize territory in the public realm. we also hope to connect local communities by providing a space and sounding board for existing social relationships. ['tejp' is swedish for 'tape' and is pronounced {tape}]."

{ tejp | : prototype 1 : audio tags : | glitch }
: principle : audio tags are left at hidden places in public spaces. personal messages that have been previously recorded are whispered to by-passers as they lean towards it. :description of prototype : small boxes covered by designed tejp stickers and fixed on wall and other structures in urban environment. contain a sampler microchip, a small microphone, a speaker membrane, a GP2D15 digital proximity sensor connected to a transistor, and a recording button. hacked gadget. low tech.

Posted by jo at November 10, 2004 10:50 AM
