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September 15, 2004



Michael Najjar at BitForms

The work series entitled “netropolis” is an exploration of the way global cities will develop in the future. Of similar magnitude to the impact of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century, it is now computer networks and the information society based on them which are the main vehicles for change, the key elements transforming the face of our urban living spaces.

Three main components characterize this transformation: space becomes the image of space, the city itself becomes a terminal as real space fuses with telematic space. In the telematic society material embodiment is further supplemented and extended by virtual representation: the so-called “tele-polis”. Telematic space endows the urban environment with a new form of structure, intermingling with it and giving birth to a completely unprecedented form of urban space.

Friday, September 17th, 6-8PM
bitforms gallery
529 West 20th Street
2nd Floor

Posted by jo at September 15, 2004 09:31 AM


The Totimorphous is urban sensitivity. Technology is man's natural habitat. The Totimorphous is a house built out of logic. To know what kind of logic to use in building a house of this type, one first has to know the structure and site. Site added with structure gives one the logic-formula needed for such a construction. The knowledge of site is important, as the site acts as a reference mark for counter-designations of mental activity. Structure acts as the designations themselves. The desert is wide and clear!

Posted by: GX Jupitter-Larsen at September 16, 2004 07:36 AM