here and now is a 1999 commission of new radio and performing arts, inc. for its turbulence website, with funds from the national endowment for the arts. additional funds were provided by finishing funds. finishing funds is an activity of the experimental television center [ etc ] and is supported by the electronic media and film program at the new york state council on the arts. as part of, this project won the silver prize at the "art on the net 1999" exhibition in tokyo.
thank you: trevor brown, john cabral, dennis chesters, sabina daley, ana giron, sherry miller hocking, witold riedel, jason snyder, helen thorington.
please note: viewing this project requires the free software listed below. a crash may occur if your flash plug-in is not version 4.0+.
1. netscape or explorer 4.0+
2. flash 4.0+
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